The bestselling author and historian Yuval Noah Harari who is considered one of the world's most influential public intellectuals today, talks about the impact artificial intelligence and warns about the possibility that AI might produce a “useless class” of people that have no value to offer society. He suggests that the consequences of the disruptive technology like AI and automation will inevitably substitute many jobs causing the rise of a new “useless class,” transforming the current societal structure. Thus, professor Harari urges to prepare for the rise of the “useless class.” At GREAT MINDS, Harari masterfully weaves a profound knowledge of history with smart insights on today’s society, and the result is a fascinating and thought provoking analysis of our present and a glimpse into our future. 🔊 Learn through lectures by the world’s GREAT MINDS. Watch your insights grow and your universe expand. #GREATMINDS #YuvalNoahHarari #history #AI #sapiens #homodeus #human #homosapiens #sapiensabriefhistoryofhumankind #HumanHistory #uselessclass #computerscience #automation